In OmniSciDB, an array has the following internal representation:
typedef struct {
T* data; // contiguous memory block
int64_t size;
int8 is_null; // boolean values in omniscidb are represented as int8 variables
} Array;
Creating an Array programmatically
from numba import types as nb_types
from rbc.omnisci_backend import Array
def create_array(size):
array = Array(size, nb_types.double)
for i in range(size):
array[i] = nb_types.double(i)
return array
*Notice that returning an empty array is an invalid operation that might crash the server.
One can also use one of the array creation functions as specified in the python Array API standard: full, full_like, zeros, zeros_like, ones and ones_like:
from numba import types as nb_types
import rbc.omnisci_backend as omni
def zero_array(size):
return omni.zeros(size, nb_types.double)